Spirits with the Spirits: a halloween celebration

The Waverly Bar, 3-5 St Mary’s St, Edinburgh, EH1 1TA

Thursday, 31st of October at 7:00pm

Join the Agents of Magick as we imbibe spirits with the spirits!

We will make peace with the unsettled dead, and make merry with the beloved ancestors of blood and bone, of place and passion. We will honour those that have passed in the last year and wish them well on their journey. All together we will share songs and stories, play games and tell fortunes. 

Due the nature of this event we aren’t able to offer refunds if you change your mind or something happens with less than 24h notice, as we need to order the drinks to the pub.

Event & One Whisky/Beer/Wine/Juice

Event & Three single malt whiskies.

Ancestors dance with us. Ancestors sing with us. 

As the night time of year draws in, we journey deeper into the darkness and if cunning embrace the opportunity to rekindle our connections with ancestors, spirits of the land, and all that comes alive in the night.

Samhain carries with it many mysteries. For the wise the beginning of the end is the start of the year, therefore it is known as the ‘Witch’s New Year’. This time is known around the world for bringing together the living and the dead, a time for communion through story and song, food and drink, a time for fortelling what is to coming. 

As the veil between our world and the other thins, spirits of the land and the dead roam. Some are unkindly to the human, others very much our kind and kin. It is important to honour both and through this commune pacify the harmful and connect with the beneficial. 

Spirits dance, we dance. Spirits sing, we sing.  

It was alchemists that first recognised distillation as connected with the unseen, and gave the liquid rendered the name ‘spirit’. Spirit is the vital animating power found with life, a power that can never be destroyed, even by death. Spirit merely continues to transform. 

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