What to expect

  • Guidance
  • Insight
  • Cosmic Connection
  • Important Timings


Tap into the Intelligence of the Stars!

The intelligence and nature of the celestial beings imprint their influence upon us throughout the process of our prenatal development and, in particular, at the moment of our birth. An astrological consultation is an opportunity to explore the astrology related to your birth and for a deep look into these cycles in your life. Follow the link below for the info regarding the consults on offer, all readings come with a recording and charts.

Client Testimonials

  • I’ve been pretty blown away by how accurate your readings have turned out to be, & I look forward to receiving more!

  • Experience expansion and to learn deeply with someone who creates and holds a trusting place. JD your knowledge is incredible and your way to deliver it captivating.

  • JD is not just a straight-laced astrologer, but has diverse, eclectic experiences and wealth of knowledge under his belt to help you in understanding your chart in a broader perspective.

  • If anyone is seeking a consultation with JD, I encourage them to make the effort. I guarantee this, you’ll get more out of it than you pay for.