What to expect

  • Guidance
  • Knowledge
  • Practice
  • Proximity


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Consultations are sessions with a specific theme that last approximately one hour. It is a space in which you and the chosen agent will share mainly through video calls; with the option of face-to-face meetings depending on the agent’s location and extra costs. 

Each agent has specialities, what they are good at transmitting, and their talents. In these services each agent will use all their experience, perception and time to help clients learn, integrate and know how to use on their own the tools that will be worked on in the consultation.

Would you like to see another type of consultation? We welcome suggestions!

JD's consultation

Each of us has a particular essence which we are capable of giving expressing to within the world. This is both unique to us and vital to the ongoingness of the whole in which we are part. 

Equally we live in an every changing context, a world that requires us to continually renew who we are and what we give to the world. The over-cultures of modernity provide narratives that are are not conducive to ongoingness on the individual and the whole. We live in seemingly disenchanted times, full of disconnection and rupture. 

Within the many and growing ruptures of this time are the fertile opportunities to rediscover new ways of relating to our selves, others, and our world. 

Using a variety of tools, the power of ceremony, and sacred dialogue. We will endeavour to recohere a fuller sense of self and glimpse into ways of relating that have the power to dis-spell the narratives of modernity, discovering  the enchanted hidden in plain sight. 

Red witch

Starting with magick

Starting on a spiritual path is a great thing, you feel that you are going to change a lot, that your being is really wanting you to start walking the paths of self-knowledge. If you add to this learning the art of witchcraft or magic, the combination is explosive; it will change your life.

However, in the early days, we can feel overwhelmed with so much information and options. This consultation is designed for those who are just starting out on their journey, to discuss doubts or to find out what kind of journey or perspective to give to your magical practice. In these consultations there is no dogma, I only transmit my experience and points of view to help YOU find what works for you.


Client Testimonials

  • Just wanted to thank Mireia for the sound evening. I really enjoyed it and felt so refreshed and peaceful afterwards. Also the voice work gave me a much needed confidence boost in using my own voice.

    Lyle Williamson
    Value Customer