What to expect

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Starting from 50$ depending on what you want price will grow.

Rituals are mechanisms designed to connect with the unconscious with intention.

In the agency we are experienced in rituals of various kinds, we have all experienced the adrenaline rush of a good magic circle that has blown our spirits or removed the external and internal elements.

In our personal lives, we are passionate about the occult and magic, attracted to witchcraft & the Art of manifesting our will.

The Universe is governed by unwritten laws, and although humans have discovered some throughout history, there are many others that remain inscrutable and will remain so for eternity. That is why the results of a ritual will not always be quantifiable, or exact. There are many factors involved in manifestation, and an exact manifestation of desire is complicated, but not impossible, and we have all witnessed spells that bore the desired fruit or even enhanced it.  

What is clear is that with our rituals we will involve you. Not only will we do them on our altars, but we will also help you and teach you how to follow the procedure so that everything is interactive, constructive and above all entertaining. 

The model we have will make you internalise the magic and flow with it in the days ahead…

Send us a message to arrange the service
Need some help in your romantic life?

Love Rituals

Love rituals are a classic among magick clients. The vast majority of us aspire to be loved for who we are, to find a partner, or partners, who complement us and help satisfy our affective needs.

The magic of love is powerful, there are many ways and perspectives to do it. At the agency we do not believe in the magick that directly influences anyone’s free will, nor do we believe in obsessing anyone with clients.

We believe that such attachments are not love, and are actually detrimental to the client and our philosophy of offering regenerative services. Therefore our love rituals serve to tune into the energy of LOVE. To revolutionise our love life, to awaken the right energy to call romance into our lives… Or to ask the Universe for a good lover between the sheets.

If you wish to add spice to your romantic life write to us to find out about the types of love rituals we offer and the agents involved.

Energize your new cycle

Abrecaminos Ritual

Are you going to start something new and want to bless it? Do you feel that you are blocked?

Do you feel that something external is holding back your dreams?

Do you want to start something, but never dare?

Do you wish that what you start has as few obstacles as possible?

Rituals called path-openers are used to energetically clear any obstacles that may stand in the way of achieving a goal. They serve to clear the path in front of the client and allow the energy to flow freely, materialising and smoothing the way for the client to travel. 

Welcome health in your life

Abundance Ritual

Abundance rituals are another classic among magical clients. These focus on asking the Universe, gods or spirits to help the client to call abundance into their life.

This includes monetary abundance, but also abundance in general. An abundance of friends, encouragement or opportunities to create wealth. To generate abundance you have to take steps to make it available, not by doing a ritual the next day it will rain money… but opportunities may arise that lead to an increase in income.

It is also likely that you will suddenly find that you have more friends than you expected or unexpected gifts.

Would you like to start your spiritual awakening?

Initiation Ritual

Initiation into the mysteries of the spirit is a vital step for any human being who wishes to better connect with his or her spiritual life.

For many people, this involves baptisms or rituals linked to their cultures, which mark important cycle changes. In the case of initiation into the mysteries that are marked, the reason for the ritual is to invite the mysteries to present themselves in the form of tests so that the initiate, bypassing them, gains wisdom and personal power.

There are many secret organisations that include initiations as part of their teaching system, though this includes secrecy and the exclusivity of the initiate with them; secrets are not usually allowed to be aired or the vision of the initiates diverges too far from the dogma of the organisation.

We do not believe in this; magic is a legacy and a tool for all who dare to believe in it. That is why we offer individual or group initiations, without dogma or occult agenda. The initiations we carry out are to prepare you for your new spiritual chapter, to give you the tools, the necessary impulse with our energies and experiences.

Client Testimonials

  • Just wanted to thank Mireia for the sound evening. I really enjoyed it and felt so refreshed and peaceful afterwards. Also the voice work gave me a much needed confidence boost in using my own voice.

    Lyle Williamson
    Value Customer