What to expect

  • Meditation
  • Archetypes
  • Connect with your sound
  • Personalized


I invite you into this powerful place where we deeply connect with sacred sounds, breath, and voice through meditation.

This is an experience designed exclusively for you to allow you to relax and empower yourself.

This session is created based on your intentions and focus. Mediation practices are used to help you relax into a deeper experience. The sacred sounds implemented during your session are specifically composed with your intention and focus in mind, further connecting you with powerful archetypes or symbols.  

Every human being has an inner world. It’s the home of our fantasies, imagination, and emotional life. This inner world is the source of personal meaning. You will connect with the chosen symbology and archetypes regarding your needs and wishes. Different archetypes evoke different emotions and the power of your inner sound aides in the process of strengthening your connection to them. The magick arises within this experience carrying you towards your intentions and focus.

You can choose to either receive a video with the tailored session or to have a live session with me. 

A time for relaxing & connecting


Meditation is investigation, exploration, and self-knowledge.

Human beings are like an instrument and to meditate is like tunning our instrument or discovering that it was not in tune. The real tuning is the receptive and perceptive capacity. Wisdom is not in the harmonious person but appears in the process of discovery that leads you to be in tune.


Harmony in the vibrations

Sound healing

We connect with sounds to relax and benefit from their healing effects. Through sound healing y we conduct the energy in our body and mind to harmonize ourselves.

Everything has a vibrational frequency, including ourselves, it makes sense that sound frequencies impact how we feel. That’s why particular songs and types of music often bring about specific types of emotions in us. Sound healing, which is an ancient healing technique brings the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony.

Research has already demonstrated that sound healing can be incredibly beneficial. Benefits can include improved sleep, reduction of chronic pain and blood pressure, dealing with stress and anxiety etc

Universal symbols


Archetypes are energetic imprints, a standard representation of ideas or concepts that manifest reality and, moreover, are part of the collective unconscious. They are templates that lead to other concepts.

Discover your inner sound

The voice is one of the tools where the self manifests and frees itself. You will discover the resonances and vibrations of your voice in the body, you will connect with your voice to connect with your own confidence. You will observe through the breath and the voice processes of conscious listening and inner dialogue.

Each session is completely personalised and you will sing only if you wish to do so.

I make sure it resonates with you


An special and completely personalized experience based on your wishes and needs. 

Client Testimonials

  • Just wanted to thank Mireia for the sound evening. I really enjoyed it and felt so refreshed and peaceful afterwards. Also the voice work gave me a much needed confidence boost in using my own voice.

    Lyle Williamson
    Value Customer
  • Mireia has accompanied me through the tarot in beautiful and very challenging moments of my life. Respecting my being, she guided me to find the message that was already inside with the help of the cards. She taught me that tarot is not futurology but a tool for inner knowledge and the encounter with your own being. I feel honored to have shared so many sessions with such a teacher.


    Maga Blanca
  • It was the first time I did it. I had been interested for some time and the truth is that it was an experience that left me delighted, I am a very very active person, it is difficult for me to relax but she transmitted me so much peace, in all senses, the atmosphere, the smells, the music, the sounds, her voice, everything was so appropriate that I managed to relax in a way that I do not think I have done before, just thank you and recommend it to all those who are thinking about meditation with bowls as an option, I promise you will not be disappointed.

    Ivana Ponce
  • Attention and care, in-depth analysis, and availability!

    Bruna Braz